About Corporate Members
CORPORATE MEMBERS: This classification of membership shall be open to any corporate business, any institution or any individual involved in any activity related to wood. Such members will have all the full rights, privileges and benefits of Regular membership in IWCS and subscribing Corporate members shall also have access to the following benefits:
- Three copies of every issue of the IWCS journal World of Wood delivered to the Corporate subscribers address.
- Free advertising in World of Wood for up to one quarter page twice per year, and also once in each Annual Directory.
- Significantly reduced advertising rates in World of Wood and the Annual Directory for greater space or more frequently than in 2.
- Free access to Corporate display space at IWCS meetings and free mention in Meeting programs if requested.
- Separate block listings for the subscribing Corporate member in the Annual IWCS Directory as well as regular listings.
- Inclusion of the company logo and description on the Corporate Members Link page of the IWCS website.
- The right to nominate up to two other individuals for Regular membership in IWCS – already prepaid by the Corporate subscriber.