Specimens available

Arthur Lee

Hi Fellow Wood Specimen Collectors,
It’s that time again – making a public announcement of my latest list so that I can get all orders filled before the grass starts growing and the gardens need attention. I’ll mention here that I’m quite often asked when I’ll release my new list. Fact is. I’m happy to send my list at any time upon request. Getting the current list will ensure that you are ordering only items in stock. A six-month-old list will be somewhat obsolete. Just ask and I’ll email it.

You can find my current list on my business website here: http://woodsbygwgreen.com/wood-samples/
Please order by item number and list alternates where applicable. I will acknowledge receipt of all orders and fill them in the order received as time permits. Once the order is processed I will add actual postage costs and email the invoice with payment instructions.

Thanks and best wishes,
Gary Green