President’s farewell

Arthur Lee

Well, this will be my last president’s message. It has been a pleasure to have served the IWCS for the past two years. While there were some challenges early on with several turnovers in the Secretary/Treasurer position and difficulties with our bank accounts, things have now settled down. With Eric Krum as Secretary/Treasurer, I expect smooth sailing into the near future.

I’d like to thank all the folks who have volunteered to help run our meetings, rewrite the by-laws, provide wood samples, submit articles to the WoW, set up booths at trade shows and maintain and upgrade our website. Without you our organization would surely cease to exist. I look forward to helping any way that Ican as John Lyons assumes the presidency in October.

As I step down as your president, I urge our current members to take the effort to try and recruit new members by giving talks, handing out membership applications, set up booths at trade shows and leaving your read WoW issues in the lobbies of retirement centers, doctor’s offices, lumber yards, woodworking supply stores and other key locations.

By the time you read this, we will know who our new President Elect and Vice President will be. I look forward to announcing the election results at the AGM in Gillibrand, Victoria, Australia 20th to 26th October 2024. It will be an event of a lifetime, and I hope to see some of you there.

I would love to get a sample of Waddy-wood (Acacia peuce) from Australia. At 4,630 lbf (20,595 N) on the Janka hardness scale, it is the hardest known wood. I’m also interested in some of the beautiful burls that grow in Australia. I’m planning on bringing some wood items of Aspen, Mesquite, Bristlecone pine and Texas ebony, along with some corncob pens and coconut shell necklaces to the meet.

Take good care. See you soon. Mark Duff #6409