IWCS Elections Cutoff date for receipt of all ballots was August 15, 2022.

Arthur Lee

I am pleased to present our slate of candidates for the offices of President-Elect and Vice President.
Voting instructions are fairly straightforward: You will find in the March/April 2022 WoW two postcards – one with a US address, the other with an Australian address. Choose the one that will be most economical or practical for you. All ballots will ultimately be sent to Alan Curtis for counting. For President-Elect, check the box for either Richard Long OR John Lyons (vote for one only). For Vice President check the box for Stan Joehlin (unopposed) or abstain. Apply the correct post card rate postage for your destination and drop in the mail. If you prefer more privacy you can place the ballot in an envelope and mail to the appropriate address.
Online only members may elect to email their ballot, or a facsimile of, to Alan Curtis at abcwoods1@ Cutoff date for receipt of all ballots is August 15, 2022. Any questions on the voting procedure should be directed to Gary Green [email protected]. Results will be posted on the website, in the WoW and will be announced at the 75th Anniversary AGM in Texas.
– Gary Green, Nominations Chairman