Born and bred in country Victoria, a southern state of Australia, I didn’t know there was a world outside the state until I was 18 years old. On leaving school I became a draughtsman until deciding there had to be better things in life than buying lunches for the engineers. I enlisted in the Australian Regular Army
as an officer cadet, graduating in 1971, and went on to serve in the Royal Corp of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers for 20 years. During this time, I met my future wife (deceased), had two wonderful daughters, and worked across the country. As I have lived in Queensland, New South Wales,
Victoria and South Australia I class myself as an Australian rather than having a state-based allegiance. After retiring from the services in 1990, I joined local government in asset management and management positions until my retirement in 2015.
I have been active in community positions for most of my life, including vice president of an Australian sporting body, treasurer and president of a South Australian sporting body for over 10 years, and being a judge and referee at state, national and international sporting competitions. Since retiring I have held numerous positions in woodworking and woodturning organisations. My interest in wood stems from my year 4 teacher who had us help (or hinder) the construction of carpenters’ work benches. My woodworking took a back seat to work and supporting my daughters in pursuing their sporting ambitions, but was revived when they became adults and my wife passed away.
Since then my shed has become my haven. Both the Aldinga Community Shed and Southern Turners provide much of the social interaction I need to ensure I don’t become a hermit. Now I add the members of the Australasian IWCS region to my list of friends and look forward to serving and promoting IWCS for
the foreseeable future.
An introduction to the Australasian Regional Trustee 2023-26, John Tillack IWCS 10303
Arthur Lee